I had a Blast during this year´s  GMTK Game Jam

Learning how to use Godot and Blender to create this lil Game in a Weekend it´s just an amazing feeling.

Couldn´t complete the idea of "Making stuff out of Atomic Elements",  but the final result is a super hiper short game about Throwing Sandwiches to a machine in order to Get Letters and use then in Other machine to fill up a Recipe

It´s Incomplete... 

It´s Sketchy...

It´s Confuce...

But is my Little Boy and LOVE it

I learned so much stuff,  "I make a Game"

And of course, I learned to make ugly things. I fail and succeed, and I've lost the fear of participating in a jam and making a game.

I have to thanks my Brother "Cono" that inspired me and GMTK to held this Jam
And of course , All of you devs and people on this Jam, Love U


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what is any of this? what are you supposed to do? you learned to make a 3d world I guess, but calling this a game is wildly incorrect.

what's the game loop? what's the win condition, lose condition? what?

(1 edit) (+1)

No need to be so harsh. It took me a minute, but it didn't take to long before it was obvious your goal was to make the same word as the target recipe, which was "atomic". Degrade the sandwich to it's basic elements and get small balls with letters in them.

Is it the best game ever? No, but the creator had fun and managed to make a game with a goal which is possible to finish, and even give you a score (time used to complete) in the end.


wait, there's a goal? you're meant to do something? "recipe"? "element" wtf is any of this? I can drop letters into the pot but it doesnt do anything, and I can't seemingly restart it?


Yeah, you need to do a hard restart. But the point is trying to write the word in the recipe by putting in one letter at a time